Ride sharing is becoming a popular option for folks who want to get around town by booking rides through a mobile app. It has also become a viable source of income for many motorists with a reliable car. If you’re thinking of driving with Uber or Lyft, then you want to be proactive with your approach. Here’s what you need to do to earn good money as a ride sharing driver:
Take a Ride
Anyone who owns a business will tell you how important it is to check out the competition. That applies to Uber and Lyft. You should download both apps and use them to take a ride. You can learn a lot from the drivers be observing how the interact with customers. You can also go into your rides armed with all the questions you have about working for those companies including the best time for finding fares and which area of town are the most used for these services.
Have an Insurance Review
You won’t be driving without insurance but as a ride sharing operator, you might need additional coverage. Uber and Lyft have insurance options in effect while you are driving for them but you want to be on the look out for gaps and to make sure your policies are all up to date.
You have a fixed rate assigned to each drive. You also have the opportunity to make tips. However, you those aren’t the only way to increase your earning potential. A company called Cargo can set you up with a vending box for your car that can sell all kinds of items that would be of interest to your riders. Something to check out.
Utilize Surge and Prime Driving
With Uber it is Surge Pricing. With Lyft is it Prime Time. Those are the specific times of days when rates go up. These rates vary depending on where you’re driving, but it is definitely something you want to be aware of. Just note that there will be more drivers at those times so the competition to land riders will be intense. It is still worth exploring.
Stay In the Urban Zones
There will be more fares in a city than out in the suburbs. That is why you want stay closer to the urban zones. You could also work the airport routes that would have you going from the airport to the major hotels in your city of choice. That can certainly keep you busy for a driving shift.
Drive for Both
Just because you’re making good money with one company doesn’t mean you can’t expand your earnings by working for another company. Riders often switch back and forth between Uber and Lyft. So can drivers. You could also work for DoorDash, Postmates or Instacart. It is good to have options for when one ride share is having a slow night.