Considering how often chairs are used from sitting, leaning, and even standing on them day in and day out, it should come as no surprise that over time that beloved piece of furniture will eventually develop structural issues or end up collapsing altogether. Luckily for you fixing that chair does not necessarily require an expert carpenter – just a little common sense.
Learning the Basics
The first thing that everyone should know about the construction of a chair is that you will hardly ever see metal screws in chairs. Since metal is stronger than wood over time, the screw will wear down the wood leading to structural issues and breaks. What really holds a chair together is glue. While there are many different kinds of glue out there, depending on the sort of project you’re working on, we suggest going with PVA glue. One of the most common types of woodworking glue it’s dependable, and its water-based structure makes it a breeze to clean up.
Applying the Glue
When fixing a chair, it’s essential to make sure that you don’t load up the hole with a bunch of glue and shove the broken part right in there. While this might work in the short term over time, the broken piece will just fall out again. For a little context, in woodworking, the hole is often referred to as a mortise, and the part that is fitted into the hole is a tenon. Rather than filling the mortise with the glue, you’ll want to apply it to the tenon evenly. For a more secure adhesive use, an applicator like a paintbrush to apply the glue to the tenon, if you try to use your fingers, the oil from your hands can weaken the adhesive.
Clamp it Down
To make sure that the wood and glue properly bond together, you will need to make sure that the pieces fit tightly together. You don’t need to go crazy, a few suitable clamps or just some securely tied rope will do the job provided it’s tied nice and tight. For a little extra security, add something heavy to the chair while it sets to ensure the legs are nice and balanced.
Now wasn’t that simpler than you might have thought? A little glue, a little muscle, and rather than spending any money on a brand new chair that might not fit your set, you’re ready to get some extra mileage out of your old one.