Every morning when you wake up you have a set of goals. Those goals might be the same for every day like getting the kids to school on time, finishing your work assignments and taking care of the house. What about bigger life goals? Those should be part of your day, too. How much of your day they take up depends on the goal itself. Clearly, the aim is to be successful with those goals.
These tips can help with that goal:
Be Bold But Realistic
Those daily goals of getting through the day are important but for your life goals, you want to be bold. This is when you should be aiming high but be grounded in practicality. For instance, a bold gold would be to get out of debt or buy a new car. You might set that goal on a Monday but you won’t achieve it by Thursday. However, if you can focus your actions towards that goal and build towards it with small steps, then it can be achieved. The money you save by skipping on buying an expensive coffee should go into a jar. Do that several times a week and see how far that gets you in a month. Build from there.
Set Your Own Goals
The goals you make are your own. Only you can judge their success. That is why you should set them and not someone else. Supposed someone were to suggest that you paint your house. That’s a good goal but maybe you don’t want to paint your house. Plus, you get to set your own timetables for success with your goals. That way you will keep your eye on the prize but not feel the pressure. It is the pressure that can deflate your drive.
Track Your Progress
If your goal is to save $5,000 in 5 months, then you want to keep track of that goal. There are some weeks where you’ll hit your target and maybe go over it. Other weeks might not be as strong. Tracking your progress will let you celebrate those milestones and project ahead at crossing the finish line. It is a way of keeping you focused on that goal.
Once you achieve your stated goal, it is time to reset and plan your next goal. Success shouldn’t take a break!